Thursday, April 12, 2012

Party with Darkwolf0012!

Hey Guys! I Went to My Buddy Pup1one's Blog And His Site Has Reached 30,000 hits! So Since Hes Having A party I Will Be Arriving At That Party As well And You Can Get A Chance To Meet Me and Get Added By Me Isnt that Great! Here Are The Party Details:

See You Guys At The Party!
Note: This Is A Sticky post newer Post Will Be below This one

Sprouts Growing In The Snow Forts!

Hey Guys! Did You Notice The Earth Day Party Is next Week And My 1,000 Hits Party Is Just Around The Corner Anyways Today I Logged On Clubpenguin and Suddenly I Spotted Sproats around the Snow Forts Take A Look:
Can These Be Party Preporations Or just something To Entertain Us let Me Know In The comments!

New Earth Day Clubpenguin Login Screen

Hey Guys! Today ClubPenguin Realesed A New Earth Day Login Screen take A Look

What Do You Think about The new Login screen Let Me Know In The Comments

Field Ops #77 Cheats

Hey Guys! Today Club Penguin Released A new field ops and today im gonna show you some steps on how to complete it.

Step 1.Log Into Club Penguin
Step 2. Go To The Elite Penguin Force HQ
Step 3.Talk To Gray The Gadget Guy

Step 4. Go To The Recycling plant And Head over To The Computer

Step 5.Complete The Puzzle And Then You Finished The field Op

Check Back Next week For Another field Op Tour

New Clubpenguin Membership Page

Hey Guys! Today Clubpenguin Updated There Membership Page, this Page Shows You What you Can Do During The Party!
Looks Like Medieval Party Is Next Will card Jitsu Snow Come Out After The medieval Party Let me Know In The Comments

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

White Penguins spotted

hey guys! I Was at sleet dock and suddenly  i spotted a white penguin! I was lucky enough to even get added by one!
He said There Were Gonna Be Realesed In The Earth Day Party! Are You Guys Exited For the Earth Day Party Let me know In The Comments

You Can Send Postcards To clubpenguin Mascots!

Hey Guys! Today I was Thinking About Mascots And Then I Realised that you can send postcards to them now!

Some times this pops out but keep trying and someday it will work! do You Like This Update? Let me know in the comments